
  • Activity summaries and more animal tags

    You can now elect to receive a daily or weekly activity summary, show which animals have been detected by the DOC AI Cam. There is also the option now to tag many Australian animals.
  • Set up alerts for your group/project

    You can now set up email alerts at the group/project level. Previously you could only do this for specific locations which was a little painful if you were moving your camera around and wanted an alert.
  • DOC AI Cam update: low power mode, APNs and bug fixes

    We've just released an update to the thermal camera software that is mainly minor bug fixes with one new piece of functionality. Setting APN The ne...
  • Updated bird monitor app fixes upload problem

    Our old bird monitors have recently stopped uploading recordings. These bird monitors typically use old Android phones which stopped recognising th...
  • Re-assigning cameras to groups, low power mode

    We have made a couple of small releases to our camera software stack: You can now re-assign cameras to a group without creating a new name Sidekic...
  • New version of Sidekick: simplified interface.

    A new version of the Sidekick App is available. This is used to configure the thermal camera. The new software simplifies the configuration.
  • Distinguishing between rats and mice

    The Cacophony Project team have come up with a cunning algorithm to automatically distinguish between rats and mice.
  • Bird monitor identifying hotspots for morepork and feral chickens

    Norfolk Island are using The Cacophony Project Bird Monitors to create hotspots of various birds, including Morepork and Feral Chickens. These inform and direct their conservation efforts and will enable them to measure progress over the years.
  • View your tagging stats

    You can now see tagging stats - what has been tagged, who did it and where.
  • Add notes to bird recordings

    You can now add notes to bird recordings and flag the recording as requiring review, or cool. Stations with no recordings can now be deleted.
  • Disable trap when cage closed

    A new cage switch disables the high interaction rate trap when the cage is closed.
  • Cacophony Project Trap success with cats on Caymans

    The Cayman Islands have seen that The Cacophony Project high interaction rate traps are 10x more effective at catching cats than cage traps.