Human voices automatically deleted from Bird Monitor
We have released a number of features to our Bird Monitor software. This includes
- Automatically deleting Human Voices
- Allowing as many pinned tags as you want
- An increase to the volume
Automatically deleting human voices
We have just released a new feature for our Bird Monitor that will automatically delete recordings that contain human voices. We have introduced this for privacy reasons, so our bird monitors don't inadvertently record conversations.
This feature is enabled by default but can be disabled by un-checking the Filter Audio Recordings of Human Speech check box which can be found at the top of your groups page.
If a human voice is detected we remove the recording, but keep all of the meta data so you can still see which sounds we automatically identified.
In the search results a recording that has been deleted will be shown in grey as below.
When you view a deleted recording you can see all the tags that were added automatically, but you cannot listen to the recording.
Allowing more pinned tags
When you're listening to and tagging birds in recordings, it is useful to have buttons for your most frequently tagged birds. You can do this by searching for the bird that you want and then "pinning" the button by pressing the pin icon. There used to be a limit to how many pinned buttons you could have. We've removed this and you can have as many as you want.