See who's tagging, no more duplicates and other improvements

The Cacophony team have just released a few new changes.

Note: You may need to log out and back into the Cacophony portal as a result of these changes. You may also need to do a hard refresh of your browser.

Tag history

You can now see who has made what tags for each track. This is useful if you have multiple people tagging. To see this, click on the Tag history text and you will see the tags that have been added by the Cacophony AI and people. If you are an admin of a group you can also delete a tag by clicking on the trash can beside the tag.

Tag history

No more duplicates

Occasionally duplicate recordings would appear on the Cacophony portal. This used to happen when the recordings were uploaded via the Sidekick app and then the camera's modem would connect and upload the recordings again. This has now been fixed. The duplicates are detected and rejected. This change should also save some mobile data bandwidth.


Faster and behind the scenes improvements

There have been various others changes that are mainly unseen. One of the Cacophony developers described it as spring cleaning of the API, where everything that didn't bring joy was removed. This was supported by a lot of testing to ensure nothing was broken. That testing revealed other bugs that had been there for a long time that were also fixed.

The net result should be a faster and more reliable experience. You can read the detailed description of the November 3 release here.

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