Number of tracks in a video limited to 10

We have deployed a new algorithm that limits the number of tracks in a video to 10. This is to make your tagging experience easier. Please let us know if you see any issues with this new algorithm.

By way of background, a track is made by an algorithm to try to track an animal moving in a thermal video. We then apply our machine vision algorithms to each track to try to identify the animal.

The algorithm for creating the tracks is quite sensitive, to reduce the chance it will miss an animal. Unfortunately this means in some situations a video may have many tracks. We've seen videos with over 200 tracks. This happens mainly, if you're recording during the day when there is hot foliage moving. It also happens in low power mode when the camera takes 10 minute videos by mistake (this is due to another bug we're working to remove).

To manage this, the machine vision algorithm can identify "false triggers". These are tracks that were created that didn't contain an animal. By default the false triggers are filtered automatically so you don't need to see them. However some of our customers like to review every track and sometimes the algorithm will not correctly identify all the false triggers, meaning there are a lot of tracks to review.

The new change will show any tracks with animals identified and the best tracks that are identified as false triggers, limiting the total tracks to 10. False triggers are still filtered by default. 

Thanks to Emma from Shakespear Park for suggesting the change.

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